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2020 TA programme: Pesticides management trainings in Ecuador and Nicaragua

Since 2018 FS Impact Finance – in partnership with the GLS Microfinance Fund – has been sponsoring different kind of technical assistance (TA) programmes for our partner MFIs, their staff or their clients. The most established programme is our sponsorship of Certified Expert Courses in areas like risk management, microinsurance or sustainable finance, that to date 49 staff of 29 different partner MFIs have successfully completed. In 2020 we also offered trainings in pesticide management in Ecuador and Nicaragua. Pesticides are still a major threat to the environment and farm workers in many countries across the globe. MFIs that finance farmers and agricultural activities can play an important role in awareness raising. Together with Frankfurt School’s International Advisory Services we trained a total of 168 farmers and 76 MFI staff in how (not) to use pesticides. The trainings were very well received and the new knowledge has been applied immediately. Thanks to Norah Becerra, Alexander Portillo and our partner MFIs Insotec, FACES and Fundeser!   

Pictures: Training with MFI Insotec in Ecuador

Torsten Becker

Torsten joined FS Impact Finance in February 2017. As former Portfolio Manager of the GLS Microfinance Fund he contributed significantly to the Fund’s growth and development. Since 2021 he has been increasingly involved in the development of new products in different SDG-related areas. Besides, he is the co-lead for our two seed capital facilities.

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