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Frankfurt Start-up Fund

Sustainable Development Goals – Decent Work And Economic Growth
Sustainable Development Goals – Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure
Sustainable Development Goals – Sustainable Cities And Communities
Sustainable Development Goals – Decent Work And Economic Growth
Sustainable Development Goals – Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure
Sustainable Development Goals – Sustainable Cities And Communities

Under our “town-and-gown approach”, the Start-up Fund supports the local start-up ecosystem in the metropolitan area of Frankfurt am Main, where our headquarter is based. The fund was brought to life in cooperation with the Economic Development Agency (Wirtschaftsförderung) of Frankfurt.

FS Impact Finance manages the fund and acts as a close partner to the start-ups, evaluating their eligibility and creditworthiness, supporting them with business plan development, guarantee recommendations, and loan applications. In addition, we monitor the performance and development of financed companies during the loan term.


Start-ups as drivers of innovation, new technology, and sustainable solutions play an important role in today’s business landscape. There are many different factors determining the success of start-ups, with access to capital being a critical one. According to the “German Start-up Monitor 2023”, almost 70 % of start-ups interviewed were planning to request external financing within the next 12 months, and 50 % have received financing from external sources already.


This is where the Frankfurt Start-up Fund comes in. By providing credit guarantees through the Guarantee Bank of Hesse (Bürgschaftsbank Hessen) and bringing start-ups in touch with cooperating local banks, the fund helps young companies access capital.


Buergschaftsbank Hessen logo
Wirtschaftsfoederung Frankfurt Logo


To date, the Frankfurt Start-up Fund has issued more than EUR 3.5 million worth of guarantees, supported more than 140 start-ups with loans of up to 50,000 EUR. Thus, the fund contributes substantially to SDGs 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

start-ups supported from various industries
% of guarantees granted to female founders
jobs created in Frankfurt

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